7th January 2004

I was digging some dirt somewhere to lay cables. I was at work evidently getting one of the worse jobs. I felt a bit silly having to get dirty to lay cables. Someone who looked like my old boss Phillip was above my hole and I thought I should arrange to have lunch with him sometime. The guy did turn out to be Phillip so I made arrangements and had to go through lots of paperwork to get something organized. 

8th January 2004

I dreamt I was with former workmate Saul. We are walking around roads close to my house talking about First Properties Share Price. We both realised that we were making money, though he was making more than I, but I wasn't at all surprised by this fact.

I went to the First Property offices and met my friend Rob there and my former friend Stuart Barclay (long story). I was at my old desk telling my friends that this was my old desk and opening and closing all the draws to see what was there and see if I had left anything behind. Also to see what the guy that had taken over from me was up to.

Next we wandered off to the First Property AGM, I think I went to hear about how well my shares were doing. Rob and Stuart were there for free food or vouchers or something else I've forgotten. there were two other listeners at the AGM, Saul was one I think and someone else I never really saw much of.

Jeremy and Ben were giving the presentation even though Jeremy had left the company. Jeremy started and gave us all little booklets so we could follow the slides he had prepared. It was all very boring stuff. We were listening out for a phone call because some more people were due to come.

Jeremy finally shut up and Ben started to say a few words about the company, I paid even less attention to Ben as I didn't think much of him. Then Ben shut up. The two from First Property then started showing a porn film starring my replacement. It was pretty grim. Thankfully the guests that were due to show up did so within moments.

The guests were a speaker from amazon.com who was there to do an after dinner type speech about how wonderful business is and put a few jokes in there sort of thing. However his speech turned into an advert for his company, but no one cared as he was giving away Amazon gift certificates.

By now a number of guests had turned up. All famous quite a while ago. The ones I remember were Salmon Rushdie and Colonel Gadaffi. They hung around for the food, drink and vouchers and left very quickly afterwards. I was one of the last to leave, my friends having escaped with the visitors.

Jeremy comes over to talk to me but I just smile and leave.

16th January 2004

The dream starts with Kat and I meeting a guy called Phil. Phil is someone we have never met before and only spoken to on the internet before. Phil looks a lot like a guy called John I went to university with and also like the guy Paul I was at the American embassy with.

Phil seems like a nice guy to start with. I tell Kat that I don't think he is so bad after our first meeting. Kat had been a bit apprehensive of meeting the guy. However Phil seems to turn up more and more. He even turns up at the airport when we go to fly off on holiday. Kat had decided she wanted her and I to travel to Johannesburg in South Africa. By this time he is following Kat wherever she goes. Kat doesn't say anything but I get the impression she feels that he is about too much. I get the impression that he is trying to steal her away.

We go away on holiday and are glad of the break from Phil.

[wake up briefly but go back to sleep and rejoin dream]

When we get back to England Phil is there again with flowers and chocolate for Kat. It seems like ages before I get the chance to be with Kat alone. Kat reminds me that I had once said that he didn't seem so bad.

So I mention to Phil when he comes back that I think he is seeing too much of Kat. He gets in a big strop with me and stops talking to me but carries on with Kat. It gets quite maddening. A little while later when I am calmer, I try to point out that seeing Kat less often would be better. He is still stroppy but I try to make friends with him again and just before I wake up he starts smiling and talking to me again.

17th January 2004

I don't remember the dream very well, but I think I remember being at a hospital and being pregnant and ready to give birth. I'm not hurting at all. The midwife I'm with is hurting a lot. It seems she is taking my pain from me and she doesn't like it so tries to give me more pain so that I will have some and not just her. (I'm not clear if she knows she is taking my pain away). So she decides to cut my legs off... which doesn't hurt a bit but really, really hurts her.

19th January 2004

Dream I am in my front garden.  Two books are delivered by parcel post.  Soon realise the cheap feeling books (very cardboard feel) are books that I have written and that I am due to proof.  these are my first books I've written.  One contains poetry and isn't completely mine, but the second book is a novel I've written.  I'm quite excited, but as I wander around I notice a number of spelling errors that need to be fixed.  I check they weren't in my original manuscript, and they weren't, so I sigh a little, but I am very excited to be in print.  I try and remember which story I sent to be printed and decided I was going to put more effort in making my next book.

22nd January 2004

I dreamt I was on Elm Park hill going into a shop to buy what looked like a strawberry Starburst sweet. I asked how much for the sweet and I was told 40p. I wasn't impressed. I asked how much the whole packet would be and was told 60p.

The store has a van it loaned out to customers. The idea is you took your stuff home in it, brought it back when you were done. This store had only one such white van. I was with my friend Paul and we decided to borrow it and bring it back the next day despite this causing problems in deciding what to do with Pauls car parked nearby.

Next I remember being in a shopping centre come student halls come school kind of place. there is a fire alarm. Being older I help assist with the evacuation. The fire warning system reported through speakers that the fire was reported in block 9. I stayed in block 10, but wandered to block 8 and stood by the doors and was saying things like "Ladies and Gentleman, please come this way, this is not a drill". My major concern was where to leave my stuff so that I could find it and not have it stolen on my return after the evacuation. One of the important female staff was shopping at Boots and said she'd help out once she'd paid for her goods, the store weren't going to let her out without paying.

7th March 2004

I was driving somewhere at the end of an evening with a few friends.  Sarah was one of those friends in the car.  She was flirting and teasing say I could stay with her if I wanted.  So I said I may pop back later.  I think we had been out drinking.

We end up at either our hotel or where someone lives I'm not sure.  I was intending to go soon after I got to this place, either home or to tease Sarah back.  However I note that there are more beds than there are people, I'm pretty sleepy so after I check I have my epilepsy tablets I decide to sleep there.

The place is very much like the hotel I stayed at in Orlando.  My friend Paul is staying at this place.  There are a number of computers set up in the room and I tap at one, then watch some mice bed down for the night by burrowing under their bedding in their box.


I'm at an amusement hall type area with pool tables and fruit machines and the like.  Low ceiling makes the place seems very claustrophobic. I won 4 times on a fruit machine, looked at an archive of newspapers and decided I should have thrown out a number of them as they weren't any use any more.  there was a Romford Recorder with a very old logo on it.  When i broke at Pool I sunk 5 yellows and 2 reds and the black on the break.

8th March 2004

This dream was presented to me in a non-participant kind of dream, I was in the surroundings, but no one was aware I was there type of dream.  The dream followed a Blues brothers type story, following a big guy and a thinner guy who went round in black suits and ray-bans.

At one point they danced on stage with two women in very similar dress. 

Kym Valentine (Libby from Neighbours) seemed to be following them around a lot for some reason.  At one point she flashed her breasts, but I was unable to see her clearly.

10th March 2004

I dreamt I was home.  My parents had announced that they were getting another male lodger to share my room.  Therefore I was asked to share everything I had, including clearing out half my wardrobe and sharing my computers and only using them myself at certain times.

I got more and more frustrated and in the end told my parents to get lost, I was going to move in with Kat.  I had a feeling this was my parents plan all along.

11th March 2004

I was at Roneo Corner walking around for a bit, looking at the changes that had happened there and then went into a Boots store.  There was just one assistant in the store (that used to be the Chemists at Roneo Corner).  There was a computer on the side and I sneakily logged in to Uberworld on the monochrome screen.

Then two more assistants arrived in the shop.  I asked if I could borrow their computer for a few moments and they said I could use the computer if I told them my friend Helens postcode. I managed to remember it.  Took a photo in the shop for some reason and left again.

I had a lot of different coins in my pocket.  Someone near me was discussing coins so I got them out to show someone who had a striking resemblence to an old teacher of mine, Mr Nye.  He was impressed with one of the Australian coin that I had that i forgot that I had in my pocket.

Later I was arranging to meet up with some friends over the phone.  We were arranging to meet up between 6:57 and 7:02, as the times were so close there didn't seem to be a problem, but then I realised it was 6:57 already!

14th April

I'm at a table with Kat. The table is black and the room has a dark theme to it. We're sat with people I don't know and Kat only knows a little bit. We were travelling to Chester the day after, for the weekend and they arranged to be on the same train as us. I wanted just to be with Kat and not have these people around when we travelled by train.

Later I was in black-ish bathroom that had no lock on the door. Toilet could be moved around the room. I moved it by the door, even though it was under the cabinet. This was good as I was able to stop one of the guys coming in the room whilst I was sat on the loo.

I had blue boxer shorts by the loo. These may have been mine, these may have been communal shorts for use after using the loo. As I was thinking this, I realised how icky this sounded. They looked clean but I didn't want to wear them.

11 May

I dreamt I was on a Great Eastern style train travelling somewhere. The train stopped for a while on a bridge and from where the train had stopped I could see and hear a concert in process. I was with my friend Tim and some other friends that my mind created. The first two bands we saw were complete unknowns. They did one song each from different stages. We had a really good view from the train. then the third act was Bryan Adams who sang Run to You. Tim was impressed with the style of the song and I told him that this was the original way that the song was sung. Over the course of the song we somehow got from the train to being on the stage. When the song had been sung, Tim rushed to the mic and hugged Bryan and said that this was so much better than the Guns n Roses concert he had been to and generally heaping praise. Bryan got the mic back and said something like "Ladies and gentleman, that was Tim" the crowd cheered and the stage was put away as it was the turn of another band. I said to Tim something like "You liked that then?" and Time replied "He is so up himself" and we went back to the train, which was still stuck in a train jam.

13 May

I dreamt I was at a gate at an airport. In the dream it was Birmingham Airport. I was using a machine to get a free flight from a loyalty card. (I'm not actually sure if I ever got the free flight!) The lady in front of me on another machine was an airport worker, I asked her for help but she wouldn't give me any. My machine said that I could get a free flight to London using £6.83 worth of loyalty points. I seemed quite happy with this. At this point I went round to the machine the airport worker had been using but now it had a "not-in-use" cover over it now. At this point I wander off to get something I've forgotten. It seems I am walking down Gordon Avenue in Hornchurch. I found a long pink sweet though I thought some of it was missing.

14 May
I was at a station very much like Barking Station trying to get on a train to London. (At least I think that is where I wanted to go) I was changing platforms quite a lot and the train I wanted never seemed to be either at the platform or have enough room for me to get on. So I sneaked a little further up the track with some other people and we got on a slam door train whilst it was stuck at a signal just outside the station. However we didn't have time to gewt our bags on the train before it started moving. This didn't concertn me one bit however. When the train left the station it went back the way it had come from and not towards London.

21 May
* I dreamt I was on a 737 that was banking and swerving wildly. I was saved by a mystic green alarm clock that looked a lot like the thing from the TV show "Out of This World"

*I was at my nans house in Barking. I was given a drumkit and one drumstick. Dad was suprised when I couldnt muster much excitement for playing. So he packed the drumkit up.

*I was in the front garden of two womens houses in a road like Strathmore Gardens. The women were talking about their vegetables that they had planted

* I had a black mat where the raised edges seemed to say bite me.

22 May 

I dreamt I was with my Mum and dad at a big creepy housae they owned.. The house was full of nooks and cranies to explore . Mums friends the Davidsons were coming to visit and I spent most of the time they were there naked and trying to find some clothes whilst staying to stay out of sight. By the time I had got clothes and was presentable, something had annoyed the Davidsons and they had left. So I went back to my room which had a small mysterious bit behind the door way. Then I wandered round the house, its big staircases and the grounds.
The Davidsons came back the next day to finish whatever they weretalking about. I managed to talk to them this time. The people that had originally bugged the Davidsons came over to apologise to them so they were happy. Their original plan was to go to a theme park that day but they decided to come and see us instead. James said he liked the garden as it was possinble to see many train lines from it, one of the lines was the "Great Eastern" line.

Now I am on a train station platform, the station is on a branch line and the station has only the one station. The branch line was a very long line running through six counties and had recently been saved from closure (possibly by me). the station we were at had a connection to the main line. I gave the job of fixing the line to a guy who seemed very happy about getting this task. The six countes were having a vote about what route the fixed railway line should take.

I was at a strange sports game with kids I vaguely recognise playing football with a foam ball. To start with I was just watching but then I helped get the ball when it went beyond the goal line. I only went on the pitch once to try and head the ball from a corner (I missed). I noticed a strange monument cum diving board at the head of the pitch.My PE teachers from school Mr Bowen and Mr Walker were having a race to the top, so the kids decided to sneak behind the building out of view of the teachers. Then after they had been found, it didn't take too long, they carried on playing football.

2nd June
I dreamt that an Abbey bank card came to me in the post. I didn't remember asking for one, but I got the card authorised and it said I had £750 money in the account it was connected to.

I didn't think this could be right so I ummed and arred over what to do. My brother said we should keep the money.

I wander over Paul Nichols house and his sister is sleeping in the porch so i hop over next door and talk with my friends there.

The next thing I know my brother has gone on a spending spree. He has bought nice stuff for himself, "took care of nan" by giving her £100 and he gave £50 to one of my dads drinking partners. By the time my brother is finished he has spent £400.

However he annonymously hands it in to Sainsburys with a note that says take this away from me it turns me into a bad person. Unfortunately he wrote it on the back of a bit of paper with my handwriting and sums about the account. I notice the card at the checkout in Sainsburys and wonder what to do. I decide to leave to leave it there.

But on the way out the security person asks if I'm Mr Andrew Hastler, I nervously say yes. He knows my card from the handwriting and the cctv footage of me setting up the account on a hole in the wall machine the night I got drunk a short while back. So it turns out that my brother has spent £400 of my money.

21st June 2004

I was dreaming that I lived in Hornchurch again.  I was walking along the roads nearby to my parents house.  Dr Beverley, a woman had died.  She was one of 3 Doctors seriously injured somehow.  Everyone in the roads was standing at the front of their front gardens, dressed in black, standing silently, watching me walk past.  For some reason I didn't think that what had happened was that big a deal.

In another dream on the same night, I dreamt that I am in a newsagents in Dorian Road near Wykeham School.  (A place my brain invented) I wanted some Fruitellas, some red and purple ones but all the purple wrappers had been torn.  Did I have a paperound at that newsagent?  I am not sure.  Fiona from Dalgleish was in the newsagents as well, getting a TV magazine.

I dreamt of Paddy Ashdown in an office also.

June 2004

I was wandering around with Del & Jo on Christmas day.  We are wandering over various fields and the Christmas day guests are around although I forget who they are.  After a long while we get to a building and Mick, Del's dad  says we should sneak off, so we do.  I don't know where he goes but I wander off into the building.  It is only after a while I realise I am in a small airport and somehow I have managed to get past security without being noticed.  I have no idea how to get back or what to do next.

7th July 2004

I was dreaming I was with Star Trek character Chief O'Brien.  Together we are hunting down cloaked log flumes.  He says that I have a very good eye for spotting where they might be.  then we set about decloaking them.

My brother has a wooden toy and when you take the screw out of it, the wheels turn..  Once I had got the wheels turn I couldn't make them stop again.  When my brother found out he gave me a lecture about how you should be more respectful of other peoples things.

10th July 2004

I dreamt I was in my parents apartment in a big city.  We were quite high up in the building we were in..  Out of the window I can see a building with a big Sky TV logo on it.  There is also a big bank building taking up a large percentage of the view, but there is no logo on it to identify it.

There is a shower in the bathroom of the apartment and a shower unit in the corridor in front of the bathroom as well.  there were however no locks on any of the doors to the corridor, so that even though the floor was designed to wash water away there was no chance of a shower as there was no privacy.  (Although why I didn't just use the one in the bathroom I don't know!)

11th July 2004

I was talking to a group of friends  about the football games we used to play together.  We then got on an intercity train.  The train made an unscheduled stop at Harold Wood Station due to heavy rain and flooding.  This was fine as this was where we wanted to be anyway.  The tracks continued to flood and if the train had gone any nearer London it would have been underwater.

[also dreamt about traveling by train and the names of a station being changed a lot]

12th July 2004

I dreamt I was at a station where there was an office that looked out over platform 3 and a half.

13th July 2004

I was looking after some baby giraffes in the garden of my parents house.  There was the eldest one, the youngest one and triplets in the middle in terms of age.  I sorted out some money to move them and came across an out of date Burton voucher and tried to use this in payment.  In the end I carried one of the giraffes the long way round from the back garden to the front garden.  The giraffe was very well behaved.

My old friend James won a routemaster bus for the afternoon in a bingo game.  We went out in the green and white bus...

14th July 2004

I wandered around a hotel lobby area wearing a telephone headset plugged into a mobile phone.  I was trying to talk to Rob who had left a message for me.  I wandered from busy lobby to a quiet room and then back again.  I am sure I was irritating the guests in the lobby by talking so loud. and because of that and for a privacy point of view I wondered why I didn't just stay in the same room.  Never did get in contact with Rob, kept getting secretaries at the hotel.

21st July 2004

Woke up thinking about Keighley from university.

22nd July 2004

I dreamt I had got Anna Kemble pregnant.  Neither of us could remember sleeping together but somehow we knew I was the father.  All we could think of was that it happened one night after work when we had a lot to drink.  We wandered around Chestnut Avenue thinking about our futures.

Went to see Robs friend Lara at her flat.  She had chips in jars out so that people could eat them but they were the same chips she had gotten last time we came round and that was ages ago.  She had been keeping them in the fridge since then and they looked horrible.  I also think there was a noisy cat in the flat.

Went to take part in a TV show where the progress of the game was sown by how big the dildo you had was.  The bigger it was the better you were doing.  Our team had a huge one.  However we failed to complete our task of getting all of a certain type of flower out of a jar in the allotted time.

I was near the TV studio from the above game show, which was by St Johns Wood Station.  I left Darren and others who were talking about how every pub in the street had been boarded up at some point or other in recent months and ran off to a nearby airport.  I knew that a plane was going to crash and where it was going to crash but I got there too late as I saw the KLM plane take off.

3rd September 

In the dream I go through Frank Skinners script for a show but its mainly blank
I turn up at the Queens Theatre in Hornchurch where he is doing a show
The show takes place with just a few people in a small room
TV cameras are filming
I mention something about hitting Frank on the arse
Later after I finish talking to Frank a woman who works on the show warns me to be careful when I leave after my comments.

I am on a bus someplace, hoping to get to a doctors surgery
When I get there I realise it was easier to walk than get the bus
I talk to a consultant who lets me interview two doctors for an article I'm writing, the title of which is something like 'what made you be a doctor'
My nan is there and also a  Dr King is there
My nan wants to answer the questions I ask the doctors which is the odd question and a standard new patient questionnaire, which is all I seem to have prepared.

6th September

I'm at my parents house, the next door neighbour calls, she asks if she can she borrow a pen and paper, she's being held hostage by a man / alien thing who wants her to write something down. I give her paper and my favourite red pen, I'm sad because I don't think I will get it back, they go away. Later she's at the door with the alien thing again after something else. I want my pen back, don't get it. After more disturbances I  I tell my parents who don't care. Later I  go into the garage and neighbour and alien are there. I'm getting a bit pissed off now so floor the alien and sit on its head and try to keep him pinned down. Eventually I get some help from my family who were reluctant to help at first. The alien thing is taken away and I'm a hero but I never get my favourite red pen back.

18th September

(I wasn't me in this dream, I was seeing something through the eyes of a character in this dream)  The laundry at Roneo Corner had recently closed and had become a Chinese restaurant.  Whilst a customer of the laundry only got to see the ground and first floor, the newly opened Chinese restaurant had five floors.
Two male friends went for a meal at this restaurant.  The first worked at the same place as a woman who was also at the restaurant with her ten year old daughter.  I saw the dream through the eyes of a second male friend.
The female workmates date for the evening and her babysitter had let her down for the evening so she decided to come out with her daughter instead.  The four of us ended us sitting at the same table together and whilst at the table, things weren't exactly hostile but we didn't get on like a house on fire either.
When we went to leave a strange thing happened, we couldn't find our way out of the restaurant.  The lift wouldn't take us more than a floor or two at the most despite descending for what seemed like ages. (The lift was a primitive looking thing made out of wood)
Then even more strangely the stairs would lead us back to the same floor we started on.  At one point I crouched at the turning points on the stairs and could see the same view on the floor looking up as I could on the floor looking down.  This view included seeing the same person moving the exactly same way at the same time.
This kind of thing went on for a while until the daughter and I managed to escape the restaurant together.  Somehow we worked out that we all had to get on and the seeds of love had to be sown between the two workmates for us all to escape, so we went back in to tell them, promptly had an argument and all got stuck again.

The next dream saw me getting lost on the underground, a fairly common theme in my dreams  where I am trying to find my way between trains and then stuck on trains that don't go anywhere.  I was getting on trains that went ten feet and then I got off again looking for the next leg of my journey

I was viewing a room with with a desk and chair and some other furniture but my view was fading from a dark view where all of the contents of the room were conservative and plain to a bright view where the same sort of objects were exactly where the dark one were but this time were bright and colourful.  It seems I was viewing a room in two parallel universes where a decision changed a persons life (like Sliding Doors) there was also a two young women bouncing around singing some song that my brain made up (I forget the words but it was a bad song!) as if this was the opening to a movie.

With Tim and Beth on a train, flirting with Beth to get Tims attention, but fail.
Later I'm talking to Tim but some friends ahead of us decide to run away from us and go to Leicester or Chester without us.

Am in my room (a place my brain invented) and my friend Rob comes up the stairs that lead into the room.  He wants to borrow a film I told him about.  Sliding Doors?  I suggest.  But he wanted something with puppets in it.

19th September

Dreamt I was in Los Angeles waiting for a flight to Orlando, I'm with my family.  When we arrive at the airport, there is no security anywhere to be seen.  My parents go off to a room to wait to complain about something.  I wander around and manage to get up to gates of aeroplanes.  When I do see security people they aren't the least bit interested in me.  I'm not sure I want to get on a plane here if security is this bad.  So I go to find my parents, they aren't at the complaining office anymore so I leave the airport where I find my dentist wandering around.  We find an ambulance that takes us to a dentists surgery.  He has his teeth scanned.  I look at the results, white teeth are fine on the scan, black ones are bad.  Most of the dentists teeth are white or only off white but one is quite black and needs to be pulled out.  They put some contraption over him and then with very little fuss the bad tooth comes out, I was expecting it to be more painful than that.
Eventually I end up in England with my dad and Kat's dad.  We are on a train and keep seeing trains going past us, and the two dads are very interested in them.  At the end they show mw a model railway of the route we were just on.

3rd November 

I dreamt I was in the USA, but on reflection I'm not sure where. I went to a ticket office to get a ticket to somewhere in Southern France. This was going to cost £400 plus (the ticket sale was in pounds not dollars) but included rail travel to the airports and the flight. I didn't get the ticket, instead I went to a different grander ticket office and bought a ticket to Paris instead, this also included train and aeroplane tickets and cost just £40, I was surprised how much cheaper this ticket was. It also came in a box that looked like a large lump of chocolate. This was amusing but it was difficult to find the ticket inside. I went down to the platform, not actually sure which of the two platforms I should be waiting on. The indicator board was in a completely foreign language. the station had a distinctly European feel to it. When the train did come it was packed so much that I couldn't get on it. So I crossed the track to get on a train at the opposite platform but when the train arrived there it to was also too busy to get on.

4th November

I was working as a paperboy at the newsagents where I worked when I was much younger. When I got back to the shop Amber, someone I currently work with was there and was telling me that I was going to get the sack because number 12 Melton Gardens had complained that they weren't getting their newspaper until after twenty past seven in the morning. I protested but was told that I was allowed to stay until the end of next week but then that was it. I remember thinking that this was really unfair, especially as I was going on holiday in three weeks.

7th November

Dream i: I am somewhere near Cardiff in this dream, in fact Cardiff is just the other side of the nearby "Cardiff University" campus, which isn't too far away I gather. I've never been to Cardiff and the idea of going is one that appeals to me so I mention it to a few people and they say that Cardiff is great and that I should go there sometime and that I should see the university too.  I like this idea and try and decide what I would like to see at the university when someone asks, I decide that I would like to see the SU Bar and the IT department.  Sometime later I agree to go to the university and Cardiff with Tim after he has done something.  Soon I am walking down a road with Tim and Mark Belchamber.  Mark says he needs to sort something out with Marcia.

Dream ii: I dream I get to Gatwick Airport.  I think I am getting on a flight to Orlando that day.  I check in my suitcase but can't complete check in as I don't have my ticket and Kat hasn't arrived yet.  So I wander along the new big air bridge and talk to some British Airways staff.  I show these staff some strange plastic things with British Airways stamped on them but I still don't have my ticket, so I explain that I am still waiting for Kat, I am then invited onto one of the airport tours that are taking place whilst I wait for the flight.  We start on the airbridge, "The biggest in the world" and get shown around lots of the airport but see very little to do with aircraft.  At one point we go and see the airport farm.  On the way back our tour group mixes with another tour group and we end up taking a number of their tour group with us including Martin, a guy I used to work with.  Finally we get to see some planes in the distance.  Heading back to the airbridge I ask two female airport workers if there are any old interesting planes at the airport like a comet or trident or dash 8 (in my dream this is an old plane!) but the airport workers just smile and nod their heads like I'm speaking a foreign language

Dream iii: This may be a continuation of the second dream, I'm not sure, I don't remember the details of this dream very well. I am at the roadside on the edge of a bridge by a railway station or maybe an airport.  Someone asks me to put a deformed skeletons arm somewhere in the grounds (I think I have access to restricted areas on the site) while they go off and explode a blue bag (by blowing into it too much).  He does this on the opposite side of the area to the one where he gives me the skeletons arm.  He does all of this to freak out security staff for some reason.

8th November

In the dream I live somewhere that backs on to an alleyway which is slightly wider than a cars width. The alleyway is one of mud. One morning I am late getting somewhere and leave in a rush. I cross the alleyway on a footbridge then chastise myself because this was much slower than just crossing the alleyway on foot. After no time at all I am heading along a road not too dissimilar to Chestnut Avenue, a road I used to walk along to get to school.

It is whilst I am walking along this road that a girl in a bright green car offers to give me a lift to my destination as she is heading in the same direction as me. I am heading towards the place where my school would be assuming I am indeed on Chestnut Avenue in this dream. It is only after I have got inside the car and we have travelled for a little bit that I realise my red haired friend (who is like no one I know in waking life) is actually taking driving lessons. The ride seems to get less smooth at this point and I ask to get out as I am nearly where I want to be. The girl says she will drop me nearer where she is going, though I wish she wouldn't as I would prefer to walk the last of the distance. A little drive further and we pull up in a car park where I get out of the car. I go to close the car door, but before I can the car lurches forward crashing the door into a concrete post doing the car quite a bit of damage. I feel a bit guilty about this and offer to pay half to have the door fixed, however the girl demands I pay all of the damage, something I don't want to do or feel I should do.

12th December

The dream is hazy now but very vivid at the time.  I dream my brother and I are happily up to mischief in a supermarket somewhere, messing about with food labels, throwing things and generally enjoying ourselves.  When we get to the check out there is some problem with us getting served (it wasn't the way we had been behaving) and we left without the random food items we had picked up.

The next thing I remember I was walking down an alleyway close to where my parents live and talking to someone, I'm not sure who it is, it isn't anyone I actually know and I'm not sure I actually remember seeing his face.  The voice told me that I had a sister long ago.  I was sure the face was lying, I mean my parents surely would have told me if I had a sister older than me and she wasn't around any more wouldn't they.

The next part of the dream I remember is being in a garden similar, but nowhere near identical to my nans old garden.  This one had a hedge to one side, a lawn and a patio and a narrow path that lead to the front of the house.  Its here I learn from someone I trust, I'm not sure who, that I did indeed have an older sister.  I can't remember if she died or was adopted out.  I felt a bit unhappy that my parents had never told me this.

19th December 

I'm back at my parents for the duration of this dream.  The first thing I remember is seeing some temporary seats being erected in two places in peoples front gardens just down the road so that people sitting in them can see a concert.  The seats are about five rows high and are house in red and white striped canvas.  I'm amused by the problems the people erecting the stands are having (whatever they may be)

At this point I join a few other people in one of the back gardens nearby.  We have booked a session of wargames and are supposed to be treated to a display of modern technology, which very quickly is shown to be broken as a "soldier" remains to retract when shot half a dozen times.  The person who runs the wargames then takes over and turns the event into bad amateur dramatics.  For example he climbs underneath a mattress and asks us to pretend its an overturned jeep and that he needs to be rescued.  Someone goes up and overturns the mattress and pulls him away, but the organiser complains that it wasn't realistic enough as the "jeep" would have been heavier.

I watched this happen for a while but became bored and headed home.  My parents weren't in the house where I expected them to be, when I called I eventually got an answer from the back garden.  My parents were there.  I asked them what was up and they said "You can't see it?" I said that I couldn't and they pointed to a flume of smoke rising in the distance.  Dad said that it was a Fokker F27, he said that he had heard several pilots report the crash over the radio.  The smoke from the site was filling the sky so that there was less and less blue sky and more and more grey smoke with every moment passing.  I also noticed lots and lots of planes circling in the sky as if they weren't able to land any at the moment.  I decided to get my camcorder from my old room to film the planes as I didn't think I would ever see a sky so full of aeroplanes ever again.

It was whilst I was getting the camcorder that the next plane hit the ground.  This time the smoke could be seen from the front of the house.  The next thing I know I can see an Alitalia plane in my mind and the next thing I know is there is a twin engined plane heading right for where the house was or there abouts, which worried me enough to wake me up.