August 2005

August seemed to last longer than any other month this year for some reason. I'm at a loss to explain why.  At the start of the month it was Kats birthday.  I bought her Charmed season 2 and Monsters Inc by the way of presents (possibly more, I forget) We went out in the evening for a Chinese dinner and to see Charlie and the Chocolate factory at the cinema.  I had a dun day and I think Kat did too.  I can't remember what Kat got as presents from other people.

We went to the Hard Rock Cafe in the weekend between our birthdays and I was quite disappointed with our server.  I seemed to be ignored more and more as the meal went on and felt dodgy in the tummy department during the night.  It ranks as one of the worst HRC visits ever which is a shame.  Got a cool T-shirt with the money HRC gave me for my birthday though.

Really enjoyed my birthday.  Had a great day at work and got lots of presents:

Kat: Bon Jovi CD box set, Frasier Series 4 (which we are enjoying!), Star Trek Monopoly and a shredder (always wanted one of them!)
Parents: Money (Going to use that for a holiday next year)
Kats parents: Thunderbirds Monopoly
Paul: Monopoly scratchcards (won£3!)
Nan H: (Money:see below)
Nan J: Money to invest
Work: Now 61 (and money which I part used to by GTA San Andreas)
Rob: Vouchers which I used to buy Star Trek Monopoly
Andy M: Double compilation CD and Not the 9 o'clock News DVD (must watch more of that)
Sarah: Funny Sign, Chocolate Sheep, Amazon Voucher (bought Muppets CD with it, and Shatner and Nimoy CD too!)

Thats about all I remember at the moment.  Went to see Stealth, which is an updated Top Gun kind of movie which wasn't bad on my birthday.

Saw plenty of films over the month.  As well as Charlie and the Chocolate factory and Stealth there was Bewitched, Herbie, 40 Year Old Virgin, batman Begins and The Island.  all very good films. I love having the cinema card.

Went to see Mum and Dad for the weekend.  Drank far too much red wine on the first night which gave me a partial hangover for the rest of the weekend, it did Kat too.  I got to see a lot of family and friends that weekend which made me very happy.  Nothing specific to report however.

Ah yes that weekend I learnt the joy of Sudoko. Have been semi-addicted ever since.

For the last weekend of the month we went to visit Chris n Sheri in Slade Green.  We met people in London on the Saturday, went to see the 40 Year Old Virgin, which is a hilarious film but they have people ruffling through your bags before you go in which is irritating as I had a big bag with me.  We finally got off the bus after what seemed like a horrendously long ride and had Chinese.  Sunday we went to Bluewater and did a 6 hour radio show and then we made our way home on bank holiday Monday.  We went via Marylebone and I think that we might be doing that again.

So that was August, It'll be time to write another one before I know it.