January 2004

January 2004 started for me in Denmark, ending the shortest year of my life and one that I would like to forget a lot of to be honest. My Danish excursions are noted in my Danish Holiday Journal.

So then it was back to reality. The trouble with reality is that well, for large portions of the time it sucks. There is far too much work and far too little sleep and fun involved.

I have weekends planned out weeks in advance nowadays it seems. The first weekend I was back I slept and went to the cinema to see Freaky Friday, I was interested to see if they had murdered the film I remember or made a pretty decent version. I am happy to say that the latter was true. That same weekend I made a mad dash up to Birmingham to see Kat. We had far too little time together before I had to get back on a train and head back.

Another weekend I went up to Colchester to see the people I know there. I wander back and it does really seem like I never was away even though I have a horrible feeling I'm only there every three months or so. It was good to see people again. Last weekend I went to Boston via Birmingham to meet Kats' family for the first time. I have to admit that I was a bit nervous before the encounter but everything went wonderfully well and I like all of them. Poor Kat has to meet my family soon.

I met up with a few people from IHT, past and present in the last few weeks, once in the London Pub and once getting drenched and failing to find a pub in Victoria.

It snowed in January and as predicted the whole country fell apart because there was a centimetre of snow on the ground, it really is quite pathetic. They even cancelled our badminton session because of it. My other badminton session was cancelled because of poor organisation by partners. Which meant I only played badminton once in January. This after getting a shiny new racquet for Christmas too.

I did lots of things in January but I can't remember them right at the moment. I must be working too hard!