March 2005

I must confess I am a little later than I wanted to be in writing this journal.  Time since March has gone quite quickly, which is in stark contrast to March itself when time just seem to drag on for far too long.

The first weekend of the month seems like months ago now, that's when Kat and I traveled to Boston to see Kats' cousins new, premature baby.  We had a busy weekend seeing quite a few of the family, including baby Ryan who was still in his incubator at the hospital.  To look at Ryan on his own he didn't look too small to me, but when you saw him near the other babies that had gone full term he looked tiny.  Despite not being able to get a train back into Birmingham we had a very good weekend.  One of the strongest memories of the weekend now as I look back is sleeping a lot. I slept on Kats nans sofa and on the coach being used as a rail replacement vehicle.  How odd.

On the 14th I accepted the inevitable, that I am stuck with Legal & General for quite a while yet and started a permanent contract there with all the (supposed) benefits and the associated paperwork.  Two days later I was at a job interview in West Bromwich.  It was my first trip to West Brom and I doubt I will be heading there again in the near future, it was a thoroughly uninspiring place.  It was also my first trip on the Metro from Birmingham.  I have still to work out here you are supposed to pay for tickets.  I didn't get the job but it was nice to get an interview even though it highlighted the lack of formal skills I have in some areas. I'm one of the old, if its broke fix it type people, not if its broke write a report and God knows what and then think about fixing it.

And then there was Vice City.  My Live Journal notes that I was playing it at least as early as March 21st (at least 24 days ago, probably earlier). It has consumed much of my life since with even an eleven hour stretch!  Most of Easter was spent on the Playstation between going to Northfield and Birmingham to buy new DVD holder unit thingies which have made the place look much smarter.

Then towards the end of the month I tore myself away from Vice City for long enough for a day trip to Leeds.  Kat and I mainly went there for the Hard Rock Cafe where we had a very nice meal and spent what remained of our pennies.  We also had a wander around town and then headed back to good old Birmingham.  We couldn't think of anything exciting to see or do in Leeds, which is a shame as I am sure there must be plenty of fun things to see and do in Leeds.

Got my first monthly payment from L&G which couldn't come quick enough.  Its been hard work going from being paid weekly to monthly.  It'll take quite a while longer to get used to!