May 2003

This journal has been a long time coming. disappeared for a little while due to technical problems and I have been away in America. More on that somewhere else sometime soon.

I’ve decided to spend some time sorting out the websites I have. I fixed Beamused last week. This involved getting a new domain name because ironically that is cheaper than fixing what I already have. Thisisaz is next on the list of things to get up to date. A lot of thisisaz, or the energy at least will be moving to new website which is for both us and letting everyone know what’s going on with us without having to tell everyone individually. There is plenty more to be done. I’ll see if I will get round to anything significant soon. All the rest of the sites need something doing to them.

So to sum up May, the time after USA the word jobless springs to mind, which leads onto watching the pennies. (I couldn’t think of a suitable one word phrase for that) It has left me with plenty of time, which is nice, but maybe too much time as I am less motivated to finish things. Playing golf and structuring my day with more time is nice. I am never going to work for a company that is that far away again. For many reasons, but more personal time has to be the most significant.

I’m just back from being in Colchester for the long weekend. The weekend where the UK got ‘nul points’ in Eurovision and I drank far too different colour cocktails in the Students Union. A lot of fun though. I hadn’t seen those guys for at least three months, had a lot to catch up on and we had fun doing it. For no particular reason I have decided to start up a movie log for this website because, well I just feel like it. This idea was conceived while coming out of the second Matrix film, my first time in the new Colchester Odeon.

Coming back to England was strange. It took a few days to feel human and although now I feel human again, things are different. There are the things that are different. Things like Romford where the latest shopping mall has been finished off and there are new shops all over the place. But the season has changed. Been really hard to get back into the groove. I’m still on average three hours out between body clock time and real world time.

Hopefully a job is just around the corner. I could use the money. There may be one on the horizon, we’ll see. But as I was told when trying to get a temp job at eight agencies in Romford – there just isn’t a temp market at the moment.

It is nearly June and a new month and closer to the time when I’ll be with Erin, which the trip to the US proved without doubt that I want to be with her forever.