October 2004

At first nothing in particular springs to mind about what I got up to in October this year, it has mainly been a countdown to our Orlando trip.  The two of us got up to fever pitch about two weeks ago when we both bought a guidebook each about Disney World and Orlando in general.  I was happy to learn that whilst the Orlando I remember is very much still there, there is also plenty more to discover. I'm particularly looking forward to the Shrek and Mummy rides is Universal Studios, as well as visiting Disney Quest for the first time.  Disney Quest was open both years I went before to Florida, but for some reason we never made it inside.  There are also plenty more things to look forward to.  Although we have both calmed down a little now, excitement is still running at fever pitch.  Hopefully the final preparations will go smoothly.

After a little bit of thinking I was able to remember some of the things that I have gotten up to.  The first weekend of the month saw my friends Rob and Sarah come to visit.  It is the first time that they have seen the flat and we enjoyed a nice night in on Friday night and went out to the Birmingham shops on the Saturday and then to the Hard Rock Cafe in the evening.  A good time was had by all.  My friend Andy was also due to visit also that weekend but wasn't able to make it due to illness.

I also went to London to see my friends and family during mid October.  Kat and I also went to the London Hard Rock Cafe and were disappointed with it to be honest.  I had been there before but that was a number of years ago and Kiyomi, my Japanese pen friend (I really must email her!) didn't hang around too long.  The place was poorly arranged and the bartender had an attitude problem, shame really as I have really enjoyed my visits to all of the other HRCs.  I've even got Kat into collecting the pins.

Other than that I have been playing Grand Theft Auto 3 far too much, especially as my save game became corrupted and I had to do all of the missions again when I was nearly finished.  I've also been playing Theme Hospital, but I've noticed that I have this strange problem of not really wanting to complete a game.  At the start of my GTA playing I couldn't be torn away from the game, just now I'm not too fussed.  Same with Theme Hospital and Tetris.  I really must get round to completing them.  I think I will start with Tetris tonight!

I've also got a whole bunch of websites to devote some time to.  I'll have to put aside an hour a night or something to clean up and update as many of them as possible.  I also want to get the Theme Park text I was writing done.  This also became corrupted one night much to my annoyance, but thankfully I was able to fix it. 

Looks like the catchphrase for this month is going to be "finish what you start!"