September 2003

Its time to write a journal entry again and it has come around so quickly I'm actually quite surprised. As 2003 falls over into October, I end up wondering not only where September went but where the whole year went honestly. Part of me feels it has been an entire titanic waste, but most of me is enjoying where I am at the moment and not having any particular plans and goals to meet. Life is a whole new blank piece of paper that I can start sketching anew.

It has taken a lot shorter time than I imagined to get back on track and be happy with the way things are. I have the occasional moment where I have a twinge of sadness, but these have been very few and far between and have been far from crippling!

So what have I done this month? Well I've been ill, I haven't shaken off the cold bug I've had for two or more weeks now, but I'm getting better. I've been to Birmingham twice to see my friend Kat. Kats certainly been helping with the other thing I've been doing this month, which is work. The odd phone call, text message and computer message go a long way to make a data imputers day go a lot faster. How much do I like Kat? Well that's a secret :)

Apart from some mega sleep sessions I really don't remember much of particular note this month. I'm as bad as I ever was at badminton, I went to Robs to play trivial pursuit the night I got ill for the first time and I made it out to the cinema to see Pirates of the Caribbean, which will be coming to the movie page probably by the time you read this.

Lifes good, if not exciting, no stress to talk about, life without stress, been a while. Nothing exciting, but nothing that bad either. I can't stay here forever, but hey, whats the harm in staying here for a while?